Thursday, August 27, 2009

The New Look

Ok! Time for an update...

I have been thinking a lot, and finally tonight, after getting a Shop Critique from Michelle on Etsy, have confirmed my decisions...

OOAKbyADDesigns will no longer be my store on Etsy.. It will remain open for now until the listing either sell out or expire, BUT, there is a new shop!!!

The Daily Felting with A.D.Designs!

So my goal is to have a listing every single day for the shop...

Now ideas for the blog, if you have noticed the URL has changed.. ALSO, what has changed?

The layout is different.. eventually, when I have more followers I will open up advertising on the side where my etsy mini is, for 2x2 mini's to be purchased for advertising for like $2 a month or something.. not sure, figured I would cross that bridge when I get there :) But just an idea!

Also, calling all fiber artists!

I have been saying this and I think now, with the name The Daily Felting (I think the name is what got me pumped) I want to do a Weekly Featured Felting Artist. Any kind of felting process will do! :) I will have to think up a questionairre! Also, I hope to do this every day but I may miss a day here and there on the weekends..

I am going to try and post a new item every day for people to see here.. SO, if you are a felter of some kind, and would like an item to be featured here for the day.. Send me a Convo on Etsy!

The store isn't really set up yet, but feel free to convo me there! :)

Anyways, that's all for now.. still other changes are being made in the product listings, pricings, etc.. but you'll see them as they come! :)

For now I leave you with this picture I'm pretty proud of, I just think it looks pretty sweet.. it's my new listing in OOAKbyADDesigns.

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